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University of Nicosia Courses - Art & Design

Please click on a course number to view its syllabus. Course offerings may vary slightly from semester to semester, so please contact us to help you structure your curriculum.


ARCH-122Visual Culture Studies
ARCH-130Fundamentals of Drawing
ARCH-150Introduction to Design Studio
ARCH-172Drawing Techniques
ARCH-175Computer Aided Design
ARCH-201Architectural Design II
ARCH-202Architectural Design III
ARCH-211Cultural Heritage
ARCH-230Architectural Communication Skills
ARCH-241Advanced Computer Aided Design
ARCH-276Construction Materials & Finishes
ARCH-291History of Architecture I
ARCH-303Architectural Design IV - Urban Design
ARCH-304Architect. Design V - Bldg Technology
ARCH-311Construction I (Timber/Masonry)
ARCH-312Construction II (Reinforced Conrete)
ARCH-313Construction III (Steelwork)
ARCH-340Advanced Drawing Skills II
ARCH-341CAD & Mixed Media
ARCH-365Space & Light
ARCH-405Advanced Architectural Studio
ARCH-413Building Services
ARCH-415Project Management
ARCH-465Sustainable Design
ARCH-470Advanced Spatial Theories
ARCH-493Work Placement
ARCH-495Final Year Project


ART-150Painting I
ART-281History of Art
ART-282History of Art II
ART-290Figure Drawing
ART-384Introduction to Contemporary Art
ART-384AIntroduction to Contemporary Art

Interior & Graphic Design

DES-101Intro. to Computers for Designers
DES-110Introduction to the Visual Arts
DES-110AIntroduction to the Visual Arts
DES-111Greek Art
DES-120Fundamentals of Two Dimensional Design
DES-120AFundamentals of Two-Dimensional Design
DES-121Graphic Techniques
DES-125Technical Synthesis
DES-130Fundamentals of Drawing
DES-131Fundamentals of Drawing & Sketching
DES-140Fundamentals of Three-Dimensional Design
DES-140AFund. of Three-Dimensional Design
DES-170Lettering and Layout
DES-170ALettering and Layout
DES-171Design Elements
DES-172Drawing Techniques
DES-175Computer Aided Design
DES-180Typography/Computer Imagery I
DES-190Interior Design I
DES-191Internship (Practical)
DES-195Graphic Design
DES-200Graphic Design
DES-201Interior Design I - Residential Spaces
DES-202Interior Design II -Educational Spaces
DES-215Interior Design II
DES-225Technical Synthesis
DES-230Advanced Drawing Skills I
DES-235Intro. to Computers for Designers
DES-240Comp. Util. for Graphic Design
DES-240AComputer Utiliz. for Graphic Design
DES-241Computer Utilities for Interior Design
DES-250Typography/Computer Imagery
DES-260Photography I
DES-265Advertising Design
DES-265AAdvertising Design
DES-270Photography II
DES-270APhotography II
DES-275AMaterial Elements
DES-276Building Materials and Finishes
DES-280Graphic Production
DES-280AGraphic Production
DES-283History of Design
DES-290History of Interior Des & Architecture
DES-296AInterior Design Studio Practicum
DES-303Interior Design III - Retail Spaces
DES-304Interior Design IV - Recreation
DES-311Introduction to Building Technology
DES-312Building Component Design & Detailing
DES-313Building Component Design & Detailing II
DES-340Advanced Drawing Skills II
DES-341CAD & Mixed Media
DES-350Commercial Illustration
DES-350BCommercial Illustration
DES-360Graphic Production
DES-360A2D Animation Techniques
DES-3613D Modelling and Animation
DES-362Interface and Web Design
DES-363Computer Graphics
DES-365Space and Light - Daylight
DES-375Design for Packaging
DES-380Silkscreen Printmaking
DES-383Advanced Design Theories
DES-405Advanced Interior Design - Work Spaces
DES-406Furniture Design
DES-410Art in Print Communication
DES-413Building Services
DES-425Creative Thinking
DES-440Landscape Art and Design
DES-465Interior Energy Conscious Design
DES-470Contemporary Spatial Theories
DES-475Theory of Aesthetics
DES-480Art and Visual Perception & Cognition
DES-481Offset Printing
DES-493Internship in Interior Design
DES-493AInternship in Commercial Art
DES-493BInternship in Interior Design
DES-495Final Year Project
DES-501Design Theory and Criticism
DES-502Visual Culture Studies I
DES-503Research Methods in Media Art & Design
DES-511Experiencing Space
DES-512Experimental Film and Video
DES-513Between Image and Text
DES-514Context of Visual Communication
DES-516Contexts of Interior Design
DES-517Contexts of Media Art
DES-518Digital Arts in Interior Design
DES-519Digital Arts
DES-520Digital Arts in Visual Communication
DES-521Advance Building Detailing
DES-522Environmental Design
DES-523Visual Cultural Studies II
DES-524Imaging the Other
DES-530Topics in Media Arts and Design
DES-540Final Project
DES-540AFinal Project
DES-540BFinal Project