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Europe Programs

Multi-Country Semester Programs:

College Study Abroad in Europe
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to study and travel to up to 11 European countries in one semester!

In the Semester in Europe you will travel with your classmates to approximately 25 cities in 11 countries that have shaped the Western world, including Athens, Paris, Florence, Prague, Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Vienna, Venice and Rome.

Simply submit the form on the left to get started or click here to apply to a Europe program!

Student Testimonials

New! Watch a video of GLS students talking about their Multi-Country Study Abroad Experience!

Kreesta V.

University of Hawaii at Hilo
Semester in Europe

"I can't even begin to describe the experience I gained this year. It meant so much to me to know that I had such an amazing team like yours behind me. I sincerely appreciate all you've done for me and for everyone. This opportunity remains unequalled and I would know because I spent six months looking for different programs to attend."

Read More Student Testimonials About Our Europe Programs

Featured Programs

Semester Abroad in EuropeSemester in Europe
Explore European history, politics, heritage and the future of Europe
Study Business Abroad in EuropeSemester in Europe:

A strong introduction to European and International Business

Study in Europe : Art HistorySemester in Europe:

Study Art and Art History around the most important art in the world
Study International RelationsSemester in Europe:
International Relations
A first-hand view of European International Relations and Politics

Custom Study in EuropeSemester in Europe:

Customize your curriculum and travel to 10 European countries