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University of Nicosia Courses - Social Sciences

Please click on a course number to view its syllabus. Course offerings may vary slightly from semester to semester, so please contact us to help you structure your curriculum.


ANTH-105Cultural Anthropology
ANTH-135Experiencing the Other
ANTH-600Cultural Anthropology
ANTH-610Experiencing Others
ANTH-620Topical Seminar in Anthropology


HIST-201World History to 1500
HIST-202World History Since 1500
HIST-203Modern Europe
HIST-260Cyprus History & Culture
HIST-382Contemporary World Issues
HIST-465The US and World History Since 1945


PSY-110General Psychology I
PSY-111General Psychology II
PSY-205Psychology of Personal Adjustment
PSY-210Social Psychology
PSY-210ASocial Psychology
PSY-220Child and Adolescent Development
PSY-220AChild & Adolescent Development
PSY-230Brain and Behavior
PSY-230ABrain and Behavior
PSY-240Abnormal Psychology
PSY-250Psychology of Personality
PSY-250APsychology of Personality
PSY-260Cognitive Psychology
PSY-270Health Psychology
PSY-310Research Methods
PSY-330Psychology of Gender
PSY-335Educational Psychology
PSY-350Research Experience I
PSY-360Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
PSY-410Theories of Intelligence
PSY-420Theories of Counseling
PSY-430Techniques of Counseling
PSY-440Lang. Develop. and Psycholinguistics
PSY-450Research Experience II
PSY-460Practicum in Psychology
PSY-470Special Topics in Psychology
PSY-480Psychological Testing
PSY-490Theories Of Interlligence
PSY-505Statistics and Research Methods
PSY-510Psychological Testing and Assessement
PSY-511Psychological Testing And Assessment
PSY-521Neuropsych.& Biological Basis of Beh.
PSY-523Social & Cultural Bases of Behavior
PSY-524Life-Span Psychology
PSY-535Personality: Theory
PSY-540Techn. of Counseling & Psychotherapy I
PSY-541Foundations Skills for Psychotherapy
PSY-542Cognitive & Cognitive-Behavioral Appr.
PSY-544Brief Therapy and Crisis Intervention
PSY-550Practicum in Psychology
PSY-555Advanced Practicum in Psychology
PSY-556Personality Assessment Practicum
PSY-565Advanced Psychopathology
PSY-575Group Therapy
PSY-580Special Topic
PSY-582Marital and Family Therapy
PSY-591Case Conceptualization And Treatment Planning 1
PSY-591ACase Conceptualization & Treat.Plan. I
PSY-592Case Conceptualization & Treat.Plan.II


SOC-101Principles of Sociology
SOC-103Social Problems
SOC-175Sociology in Applied Settings
SOC-205Mediterranean Societies
SOC-220Racial and Ethnic Relations
SOC-230Sociology & Religion
SOC-250Gender Issues in Society
SOC-310Marriage and the Family
SOC-315Urban & Community Sociology
SOC-320History of Social Thought
SOC-330Introduction to Social Research
SOC-350Practicum in Sociology
SOC-420Contemporary Sociological Theory
SOC-430Topical Seminar - Sociology
SOC-500Social Science Research Methods
SOC-510Social and Cultural Theory
SOC-520Issues in Applied Sociology
SOC-530Gender in Society
SOC-540Mediterranean Society & Culture
SOC-550Family and Kinship
SOC-600Sociology of Deviance
SOC-610Nationalism and Ethnicity
SOC-620Topical Seminar in Sociology

Social Work

SOWK-110The Field of Social Work
SOWK-120Foundations of Social Work Practice
SOWK-170Social Welfare Policy and Services
SOWK-200Working With and For Youth
SOWK-205Working with and For the Aged
SOWK-210Social Work Methods & Practices I/Micro Systems
SOWK-210ASocial Work Meth.& Pract.I/Micro Sys
SOWK-215Social Work Meth.& Pract.II/Micro Sys
SOWK-220Social Work Meth.& Pract.I/Mezzo Sys
SOWK-225Social Work Meth.& Pract II/Mezzo Sys
SOWK-230Social Work Methods & Practices I/Macro Systems
SOWK-230ASocial Work Meth.& Pract. I/Macro Sys
SOWK-235Social Work Meth.& Pract.II/Macro Sys
SOWK-303Social Work with Families
SOWK-304Intercultural Social Work
SOWK-310Social Work Practice/Micro Systems
SOWK-320Social Work Practice/Mezzo Systems
SOWK-330Social Work Practice/Macro Systems
SOWK-340Social Work Research
SOWK-350Junior Practicum I in Social Work
SOWK-355Junior Practicum II in Social Work
SOWK-360Micro Mezzo Human Behavior In Social Environment
SOWK-365Macro/Human Behavior in the Social Environment
SOWK-370Social Welfare Policy and Services
SOWK-390Understanding Addictions
SOWK-403Social Work in Health Settings
SOWK-410Administration of Social Agencies
SOWK-411Social Work in European Union
SOWK-430Issues in Disabilities
SOWK-450Senior Practicum in Social Work
SOWK-460Capstone Seminar in Social Work