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Work With Your Study Abroad Office

Your school's study abroad office is committed to supporting students participating in relevant and meaningful international academic endeavors.

Because there are so many various study abroad options available to college students, the study abroad office at your school can assist you in finding a program that is relevant to your individual academic goals and appropriate to the your individual characteristics.

For example, one program in Spain may be more relevant for a Spanish Language major, while another program may be more relevant for a History, or Political Science, or Business major. One program in France may be more appropriate for a very independent, gregarious, urban, mature student, while another may be more appropriate for a student wanting to learn independence and intercultural interaction skills.

If you are interested in studying abroad at some point during your college career, you should:
  1. Review and explore your study abroad office's website
  2. Visit the study abroad office to get in contact with a study abroad advisor
  3. Ask your study abroad advisor about choosing an appropriate program and about policies and procedures for study abroad.
  4. Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor to review courses you might take during a study abroad program.