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Study Abroad Guide
FAQs About Study Abroad
Selecting the Right Study Abroad Program
Start Early
How to Select a Study Abroad Program
Work With Your Study Abroad Office
Transfer of Academic Credit
Financial Aid for Study Abroad
Study Abroad Pre-Departure Guide
During the Study Abroad Program
Returning Home from Study Abroad
Study Abroad Resources
Student Testimonials

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Start Early!

It is easy to think and dream about studying abroad, but also to be caught up in the daily ups and downs of student life at your home institution and just never get around to it. Our whole-hearted advice is to go for it!

College allows you a unique time to experience and explore new places that most people do not get again once they start their career. A study abroad experience during college allows you the opportunity to participate in another culture and experience new places at a much more meaningful level than just being a tourist. Do not end up being one of those college graduates who regrets not studying abroad during college!

Never Too Early

It is never too early to start thinking about studying abroad

Many students start planning their study abroad as early as 6 to 12 months before they apply so, if you are in college, there is no reason not to start thinking about your study abroad experience now.