Transfer of Academic Credit A semester or summer abroad
is a large investment of time and money for most students studying abroad. For this reason you want to
make sure that you take the right steps to earn academic credit at your
home institution for your study abroad experience. What Should You Do?It is important that you first understand the transfer credit process to ensure that you can take the right steps to earn transfer credit. While the transfer credit process varies from institution to institution, the outline below is a relatively standard guide for schools that pre-approve credit for study abroad: Your home institution (university) makes the final decision regarding
how many credits will transfer from your study abroad program and how
they will be treated (e.g. major credit, elective credit, etc). The following three-part process will help guide you through the process of securing your transfer credit approval.
1. Before The Program (Pre-approval)
- As early as possible, speak with the study abroad program sponsor (your study abroad office or a third-party provider) to learn about potential course
options on the program that you are interested in. The program sponsot should be able to provide the
syllabi and course descriptions that you might need to receive course
- Make an appointment with your study abroad office and academic
advisor to review your course options. Make your appointment early as
advisor schedules are often very busy as deadlines approach.
- Receive a signed pre-approval form from your home university.
We strongly recommend that you receive pre-approval for more courses
than you plan to attend (as in the United States, courses
schedules at host universities can change, scheduling conflicts might
occur or you might change your mind about which courses you would like
to attend)
2. During the Program
- Your home institution will require a minimum standard of academic
performance in order to grant transfer credit (typically, a "C"
equivalent or above), so it is important that you attend class and
perform according to the host university's standards and expectations. Your grade is solely determined by your professors and the host university.
- At some home institutions, while credit does transfer, grades
from study abroad do not transfer and study abroad courses are not
counted toward GPA calculations. You should ask about the transfer
credit policies and procedures of your home institution.
3. After The Program
- Ensure that the program sponsor has the name and address of the appropriate person at your home institution who will receive your official transcripts.
- Take all course material back with you, including syllabi, work completed, essays and examinations, in case it is ever needed.