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Change of Address and Voting

Change of Address

It is important that you inform all necessary parties that you will be at an overseas address during your semester or summer abroad, in order to avoid lost mail, ensure efficient bill payments and other issues.

  1. Turn in a "Change of Address Request" at the Post office to ensure your campus mail is forwarded to your permanent address or to a trusted location. Mail can only be forwarded to a U.S. address. Mail cannot be forwarded overseas. Designate someone to inform you of important letters.

  2. Inform Housing (fraternity, sorority, residential services, landlord) that you will be studying abroad and make whatever arrangements are necessary.

  3. Make arrangements to cancel, suspend or make payments for paying ongoing services in the US (e.g. utilities, cell phone, etc).

  4. Enroll in electronic statements or bill-paying services that will allow you to check account balances or pay credit card bills online.
Voting While Studying Abroad

In case that you are studying abroad during election periods and would still like to vote, we recommend that you obtain the pertinent paperwork to apply for an absentee voter ballot before going abroad.

The following websites may be helpful in registering to vote and/or obtaining an absentee ballot before or while abroad.

Overseas Voter Assistance:

If you are not already a registered voter, you can register to vote here:

If abroad, you can register to vote or request an absentee ballot here:

Absentee ballot information by State:

Candidate information through Project Vote Smart: