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Summer in Belize: Animal Science

Program Itinerary

The itinerary on this program includes in-class and co-curricular trips to several locations in Belize. Our exact program itinerary will change from summer to summer based on weather, course teaching objectives and special events.

Potential Travel Locations
Farms and nature reserves in the Cayo District of Belize and the Belize Zoo.

Days in Host Country: 28
Days of In-Country Travel: 2-3

Excursions: Excursions vary. Summer courses in Belize are designed to utilize extensive field study experience with faculty
Duration: 2-3 days

NOTE: Itineraries are subject to change

Summer 2009 Itinerary

To download a detailed Program Itinerary please click on the link below:

Belize-Based Programs - Summer JUNE 2009 Program Itinerary


Opportunities For Independent Travel and Activities

During the course of the semester, you also have free weekends that you can use for independent travel. Below are some options that are easily accessible from Galen University.

PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible for evaluating the safety and appropriateness of any independent travel    

Within a few miles of Galen University you can:
  • Visit the Mayan ruins of Xuantunich, Cahal Pech and El Pilar
  • Birdwatch
  • Visit several butterfly houses
  • Visit caves
  • Swim or go tubing on the nearby rivers
  • Learn about Mayan herbs and medicines when walking long local medicine or herb trails
  • Visit iguana breeding grounds


Within an hour or two from the University you can:
  • Hike trails in the Mountain Pine Ridge and other National Forests and Reserves
  • Visit the Belize Zoo, the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, the Community Baboon Sanctuary or the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Interact with Belizeans from diverse ethnic and language heritage, including Maya, Garifuna, Creole, Mestizo, German (Mennonite), among others
  • Explore ancient Maya temples and ruins
  • Trek through tropical forests
  • Swim along the barrier reef
  • Enjoy the magic of the Belize Botanical Gardens, the medicinal and herb trail and DuPlooyâ??s Orchid House
  • See dozens of types of butterflies at Tropical Wings butterfly house, or Chaa Creek Blue Morpho Butterfly Breeding Centre
  • Study the endangered iguana at the Green Iguana Project
  • Photograph amazing scenery, flora and fauna