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Summer in Belize: Animal Science

Student Housing

Global Leaning Semesters works closely with Galen University to procure safe, comfortable and appropriate local housing for participants on the programs. Because the standard of living in a developing country is not always comparable to U.S. standards, we aim to balance providing housing that meets U.S. standards of health and safety and yet does not alienate students from the local community. We have utilized several different housing facilities in San Ignacio.

Depending on the size of the group each semester, participants will either stay in a bungalow-style resort or a tourist guesthouse/hotel. All accommodations are double- occupancy and sometimes include access to WiFi and cable television.

Log Cab-Inn Resort

An example of a resort that we have a good working relationship with is the Log Cab-Inn Resort, a rustic tropical resort.

Students are housed in double-occupancy, 2-person cabins. Each cabin has a bathroom. Log Cab-Inns has a swimming pool, study room, restaurant, and wi-fi internet access.

Breakfast is included in the program cost, Monday through Friday. Other meals are at the studentâ??s own expense.