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Minorities Abroad

Here are two very useful excerpts from regarding minorities abroad:

Racial and Ethnic Concerns

"No two students studying abroad ever have quite the same experience, even in the same program and country. This same variety is true for students of color and those from U.S. minority ethnic or racial backgrounds. Reports from past participants vary from those who felt exhilarated by being free of the American context of race relations, to those who experienced different degrees of 'innocent' curiosity about their ethnicity, to those who felt they met both familiar and new types of ostracism and prejudice and had to learn new coping strategies. Very few minority students conclude that racial or ethnic problems which can be encountered in other countries represent sufficient reasons for not going. On the other hand, they advise knowing what you are getting into and preparing yourself for it. Try to find others on your campus who have studied abroad and who can provide you with some counsel"


Being Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Abroad

"It is important to be aware of the laws pertaining to homosexuality in other countries, as well as the general attitudes of the populace toward gay, lesbian, and bisexual members of their community. The countries you visit may be more, or may be less, 'liberated' (on a general U.S. scale of values) in these regards, but will in all cases be at least somewhat unique. Moreover, whatever the general rule, there will always be pockets of difference and personal idiosyncrasies. Country-specific information is often available from campus offices, personnel, and student groups. You should certainly talk with other students who have been where you will be. For information on issues and resources pertaining to gay, lesbian, and bisexual travel, you also may want to consult publications available in some bookstores and libraries which carry such literature. For a comprehensive list of resources, including travel guides, web links, and other types of information for GLBT students, contact:"
