Semester in Iberia & Morocco: Europe and Islam
Program Description
The Semester in Iberia and Morocco is focused on the influence and interaction between Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and North Africa from the Moorish period through to the present. Students are based in Alcala de Henares, where they attend a combination of Spanish language and Spanish history and culture courses with a special emphasis on the Islamic/Moorish influence on Spain.
Coursework is supplemented with educational travel and field experiences through southern Spain, Morocco and Portugal. This program is well-suited for students studying broad trends in European or Islamic history and culture or students who would like a deeper and unique view of Iberia and North Africa.
Program Highlights
- A unique academic and co-curricular look at a long-standing, yet relevant topic: the interaction between Spain and Portugal and Islam through the centuries
- Educational travel through southern Spain, including Grenada, Cordoba and Sevilla, Portugal, including Lisbon and Evora, and major cities in Morocco such as Marrakesh, Fez, Rabat and Meknes
- An opportunity to improve Spanish language skills
- Courses taught in Spanish and English
- Earn 15 credits toward your degree through fully-accredited coursework (Learn more)