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Semester in Europe

Study Abroad in Europe

Program Itinerary - Interactive Map

The Semester in Europe is so immense that we needed a map to make it fit on one page. You can use the map to read more about the countries we visit and study. The scope of our study abroad program is unmatched. It is the only program we know of that combines this much educational travel with a full traditional semester abroad at a foreign college. Classroom work is supplemented with over 30 days of educational excursions and immersion activities through 11 European countries (including Cyprus).

New: See a picture gallery from the program travel.

A detailed city itinerary and explanation of how many days are spent traveling vs. at the home base can be found below the map.

In addition to weekend excursions and immersion activities in Cyprus, during the semester there are two breaks from classes during which students travel to Europe for about 4 weeks. On these educational trips, students visit 11 other European countries in order to experience Europe and what was studied in the classroom.

Key Travel Locations

Athens, Rome, Florence, Venice, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Salzburg, Dachau, Strasbourg, Luxembourg City, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris and major cities in Cyprus.

Days in Host Country: 86 (spring), 79 (fall)
Days of international travel: 24-26


Trip 1: Greece & Italy

Spring Dates: Mid March - Late March
Fall Dates: Early November - Mid November
Duration: 8 days
Countries: Greece (2-3 days), Italy (5-6 days)
Cities: Athens, Florence, Rome, Venice

Trip 2: Western & Central Europe
Spring Dates: Mid April - Early May
Fall Dates: Late September - Mid October
Duration: 14-16 days
Countries: Austria (3 days), Belgium (2 days), Czech Republic (2 days), France (3-4 days), Germany (2-3 days), Luxembourg (1 day), Netherlands (2 days), Slovakia (1 day)
Cities: Salzburg, Vienna, Brussels, Prague, Paris, Strasbourg, Berlin, Dachau, Dresden, Luxembourg City, Amsterdam, Bratislava

NOTE: Itineraries are subject to change.

Spring 2014 Itinerary

To download a detailed Program Itinerary please click on the link below:

Cyprus-Based Programs - Spring 2014 Program Itinerary

Fall 2014 Itinerary

To download a detailed Program Itinerary please click on the link below: 

Cyprus-Based Programs - Fall 2014 Program Itinerary