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University of Nicosia Courses - Computer Science

Please click on a course number to view its syllabus. Course offerings may vary slightly from semester to semester, so please contact us to help you structure your curriculum.

Computer Science

COMP-150Microcomputer Applications
COMP-151Fundamental Concepts of Information & Computers
COMP-151AFundamental Concepts of Information & Computers
COMP-152Introduction to Programming
COMP-152APASCAL/Program Development
COMP-153Visual Basic
COMP-155Interactive Multimedia
COMP-160Introduction to Multimedia
COMP-161Interactive Multimedia Development
COMP-201Systems Analysis and Design
COMP-251COBOL/Program Development
COMP-251ACOBOL/Program Development
COMP-252Computer Concepts
COMP-252AComputer Concepts
COMP-253Applications Development I
COMP-254Assembly Language Programming
COMP-255C++ Language Programming
COMP-256Applications Development II
COMP-260Multimedia Design and Development I
COMP-261Multimedia Design and Development II
COMP-262Multimedia Internet Applications
COMP-263Human Computer Interaction
COMP-264Computer Graphics and Visual Arts
COMP-265Managing Multimedia
COMP-301Data Structures
COMP-305Theory of Computation
COMP-310Electronic Journalism: Radio
COMP-320Computer Graphics
COMP-324Programming the Internet
COMP-325Special Topics in Computer Science
COMP-325BSpecial Topics: Programming The Internet
COMP-325DSpecial Topics: Internet Technologies
COMP-326Web Design and Development
COMP-335Comp. Organization and Architecture
COMP-350Systems Software Programming
COMP-351Information Systems Concepts
COMP-352Database Mgt & Programming
COMP-352ADatabase Management and Programming
COMP-353Programming Languages
COMP-354Operating Systems
COMP-355Systems Development I
COMP-356Systems Development II
COMP-357Logic Constr & Test Programs
COMP-358Networks and Data Communication
COMP-3602D Animation
COMP-3613D Modeling and Animation
COMP-362Computer Based Learning I
COMP-363Computer Based Learning II
COMP-368Computer Network Protocols
COMP-375Compiler Design
COMP-384Systems Programming
COMP-405Artificial Intelligence
COMP-430Digital Image Processing
COMP-435Info. Tech. Arch. and Telecom.
COMP-453Software Engineering
COMP-454Information Systems Project
COMP-455Object Oriented Programming
COMP-456Management of Information Systems
COMP-460Managing Multimedia
COMP-461Multimedia Internet Application II
COMP-462Special Topics in Multimedia
COMP-463Multimedia Project
COMP-465Object Oriented Software Engineering
COMP-470Internet Technologies
COMP-471Internet Technologies Lab
COMP-472Object-Oriented Databases
COMP-477Network Security
COMP-493Final Year Project
COMP-611Algorithms & Computational Complexity
COMP-612Distributed Systems
COMP-613Computer Communication Networks
COMP-614Parallel Computer Systems
COMP-615Internet Technologies
COMP-616Artificial Intelligence
COMP-617Advanced Database Concepts
COMP-618Software Engineering
COMP-620Computer Graphics and Animation