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Semester in Paris: French Studies

Curriculum and Faculty

This program focuses on French language, culture and civilization and allows students to combine a French language course with content classes taught in English or in French (within student's level) at the Catholic University of Paris.

Students can select 1 language course in French within their appropriate level and 1-3 content courses taught in English or French (within their appropriate level). Each English or French elective course amounts to 3 credits in the US. The French language course is available in 6, 9 , 12 or 15 credits minimum, depending on level. Although most students take a French language course of 9 or 12 credits, and 1-2 electives, students may opt for 4-5 English or French electives only.

French Language Courses 
Levels (by placement test)
  • A1.1 Beginner - recommended minimum 12 hrs/week (15 hrs/week available)
  • A1/A2/A2 + Elementary - recommended minimum 12 hrs/week (15 hrs/week available)
  • B1/B1+/B1++ Intermediate - recommended minimum 9 hrs/week (6, 9, 12, 15 hrs/week available)
  • B2/B2+ Advanced - recommended minimum 9 hrs/week (6, 9, 12, 15 hrs/week available)
  • C1/C2 Superior - recommended 6 hrs/week (6, 9, 12, 15 hrs/week available)

English Content Courses (3 Credits Each: Select 1-2)
  • Painting in France 1789-1914: Representation in a changing world
  • Fashion in France: 18th - 21st Century
  • Great authors in French Cinema
  • The European Union today
  • Politics, Economy, and Society in France
  • European External Relations

Electives in French - Indicative list (select 1-3 courses)

Students will be required by the ILCF to take an online placement exam to find their appropriate level of French: Beginner, Elementary (E1-3), Intermediate (I1-3), Advanced (A1-2) or Superior (S). 

  • Paris Découverte (E2 to E3)
  • Histoire de l' Art Francaise a travers ses monuments et musées (E2 to E3)
  • Histoire de France de Vercingétorix a la Révolution (E2 to E3)
  • Les Francaises et la mode (E2 to E3)
  • Initiation a la littérature Francaise et écriture créative (E2 to E3)
  • A la découverte de la culture Francaise (E2 to E3)
  • Culture et Gastronomie Francaises (E2 to E3) 
  • Paris Ciné (E2 to E3)
  • Roman et Poésie du XXeme siecle (E2 to E3)
  • Histoire de France de la Revolution a la veille de la 2e Guerre Mondiale (I1 to I2) 
  • Tourisme et Gastronomie (I1 to I2)
  • Littérature du XVIIIe L'Encyclopédie (I1 to I2) 
  • Religions et Société Francaise (I1 to I2)
  • Panorama de la Littérature et des Idées en France (I1 to I2)
  • Cinéma: Gros Plan sur la French Touch (I1 to I2)
  • La Peinture Francaise du néo-clacicisme au fauvisme (I1 to I2)
  • La Mode et le Stylisme (I1 to I2)
  • La société Francaise par les journaux télévisés (I1 to I2)
  • Professional Communication (Business French) (I1 to I2)

  • L'Art en France de la Renaissance aux Lumieres (I3 to A)
  • Comment fonctionne la France? (I3 to A)
  • Actualité socio-économique (I3 to A)
  • La chanson Francaise au cinema et sur scene (I3 to A)
  • L' Art en France des Lumieres a l'Impressionisme (I3 to A)
  • Panorama du Cinema Francais (I3 to A)
  • La France et les Relations Internationales (I3 to A)

French Electives
  • Phonetics
  • Written French
  • Oral French


Students can also take COMM-280: Intercultural Communications. This is a 3-credit, online course offered by the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Students will attend the course online, and the University of Nicosia will issue the transcripts.

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