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Press Releases

September 2005

Global Learning Semesters to Accommodate students displaced by Hurricane Katrina

RESTON, VA -- Sept. 2 -- As part of its effort to assist in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Global Learning Semesters will reopen select Fall programs for students displaced by the hurricane.

"We are deeply saddened by the vast human and social impact of Hurricane Katrina and would like to take any steps we can to allow impacted students to continue their education without interruption," remarked Dr. Andreas Polemitis, Chairman of Global Learning Semesters, Inc.

Though Fall programs closed on July 15, Global Learning Semesters will temporarily reopen admissions for its Semester in Europe and Semester in Cyprus programs. Admission will be reopened from September 2 to September 9 for college students attending Tulane, the University of New Orleans and other colleges impacted by Hurricane Katrina. Students will be able to attend the beginning of fall classes on September 19 and continue their academic studies without interruption.

Displaced students should contact Global Learning Semesters, Inc. immediately at support@globalsemesters.com or (877) 300-7010 (toll-free).

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