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Press Releases

October 2006

New Website and Student Portal Launched

Study Abroad just got a lot easier!

We have redesigned our website from the ground up to make it easier and faster for students and advisors to find the information they need. From researching to see if we have a program that is right for them to applying online through the Student Explorer.

Some highlights include:

Student Explorer

Student Explorer is the most flexible student advising and application guide in study abroad.

From one place, students can research information, request catalogs, submit questions, refer their friends or apply online.

Program applications can be completed in multiple sessions and in whichever order a student chooses. All parts of an application are managed through an Application Checklist that brings everything together, including transcripts and recommendations

Program Locator

With 35 programs operating in 2007, some of which have multiple academic tracks, it was easy for students or advisors to get confused about which programs were right (or not right) for them.

Our new Program Locator helps them easily sort through the programs to see what options are available for them.