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Press Releases

May 2007

GLS Students Participate in International Night

On May 3, GLS students studying abroad in Cyprus participated in Intercollege’s 10th Annual International Night. The International Night is one of Intercollege’s biggest cultural events of the year, drawing in crowds from Nicosia and the surrounding areas.

It was a very exciting event for the GLS students, as it was an opportunity to celebrate and share their heritage with the rest of the international community at Intercollege. it was also the first time American students participated in the event with their own booth.

There were 10 booths including Serbia, Africa, China, Russia, Pakistan, India, the Uninted States and three local educational organizations. All the participants prepared ethnic food and some brought games that celebrated their cultural heritage. The GLS students baked eight-dozen chocolate-chip cookies and five pans of Rice Krispie treats. The Rice Krispie treats drew in a huge crowd and created quite a stir around the GLS (U.S.A) booth.

Later in the evening, a few of the students joined in the dance show. Many of the groups displayed beautiful ethnic dances, while engaging the crowd with their upbeat energy and excitement. Everything from salsa to belly-dancing was performed, creating a unique sense of cultural appreciation for the students.

All of the proceeds from the International Night will be donated to a local charity in Nicosia.